If you are interested in curating an Alper Initiative exhibition, please submit a proposal & CV to Submittable.

  • CV [including Educational Background, and Exhibition History]
  • Artist Bio, 250-word limit
  • General Artist Statement, 500-word limit
  • Image index [including Title, Date, Medium, Dimensions, and Thumbnail images]
  • 5-10 images (jpeg) of your work [each file named, Artist Name_Title]
  • Proposal Summary PPTX including the following slides-

                 -CV Slide A: 1 slide with artist name, short biography (max 250-words) 

                   educational background, and exhibition history.  

                 -CV Slide B: 1 slide with artist statement (max 500-words)

                 -Portfolio Slide(s): 1-2 slides including 3-5 images of proposed artwork with accompanying 

                     Title, Date, Medium, Dimensions

                -Contact Slide: Including name, email, phone, and mailing address

*Please review the sample PPTX for additional guidance on formatting

Group Show Proposal Guidelines:

  • Proposed exhibition title and summary
  • CVs, one for each artist [including Educational Background, and Exhibition History]
  • Artist Bios, one for each artist, 250-word limit each
  • General Artist Statements, one for each artist, 300-word limit each
  • Image index [including Title, Date, Medium, Dimensions, and Thumbnail images]
  • 3-5 images (jpeg) of each artist’s work [each file named, Artist Name_Title]
  • Proposal Summary PPTX including the following slides-

          -1 title slide (including exhibition title, curator’s name, date submitted, and a cover image)

          -1 exhibition summary slide

          -For each artist:

                  -1 biography slide including artist name and 250-word biography

                  -1-2 portfolio slide(s) including 3-5 images of proposed artwork with accompanying 

                     Title, Date, Medium, Dimensions

                  -1 contact Slide: Including the curator’s name, email, phone, and mailing address

*Please review the sample PPTX for additional guidance on formatting

American University Museum